🚀 Introducing a More Powerful Datagrid

We've improved the datagrid and made it even more customizable.

📏 Add a custom cell type

Starting today, you can use a custom cell type:

  1. Select a datagrid in the Layout panel.
  2. Navigate to Settings -> Column -> Type -> Custom to add custom cells.
  3. Drag & drop different elements and bind them to the column data.

📌 Pin a column

You can now pin (freeze) columns to the left or right of the datagrid. When you scroll, the pinned column will remain "frozen".

💡 Set custom display value

For column types like Auto, you can now define a custom display value instead of just defining the path.

Toggle Custom display value on and use a formula to display values and format data.

✂️ Customize the dimensions of your columns

Now you can use the Flex property to customize the dimensions of your columns.

Flex property accepts a value between 0 and ∞. It works by dividing the remaining space in the datagrid among all flex columns in proportion to their flex value.

That's it for this release! As always, let us know your feedback.

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