The Calendar element now comes with these additional native options in the "Styles" tab:
- Start week on Sunday
- Hide days of the week
- Add "Today" button
- Use 12h format (i.e. 9:00pm instead of 21:00)
- Choose between a minimalist or standard-sized header
- Update current time every minute so that red line in the calendar always displays the current day and time
In addition to these new style properties, we added a few options in the "Settings" tab:
- "Selected date" will define what date the Calendar will start on when first loaded on the page.Β For example, "2023-10-01"
- "Language" will define what language the Calendar should be displayed in.Β
You can bind the "Language" option to:
- a locale code (usually 2 letter unless a distinction is needed).Β For example `fr` for French or `pt-br` for Portuguese Brazilian.
- or a custom object as described in the Vue Cal documentation