Real Estate Entrepreneur Launches Seven-Figure Business with a WeWeb and AI

How Mike leveraged WeWeb and AI to build SkipMatrix and launch his real estate company.
SkipMatrix is a cutting-edge platform tailored for real estate professionals focusing on skip tracing and lead generation. Utilizing AI and machine learning algorithms, the platform scours multiple data sources to deliver accurate and up-to-date contact information, including phone numbers, emails, and mailing addresses. Offering up to 110 points of contact information, SkipMatrix allows users to conduct targeted searches based on criteria like location, property type, and demographics. SkipMatrix has become an indispensable asset for real estate agents, investors, and brokers because it provides them with the resources to expand their business and secure a competitive advantage in the industry.
WeWeb, Xano, Stripe
Use case
Real-Estate SaaS

For years, Mike had aspired to launch a skip tracing company to serve the American real-estate industry. Knowing all too well the painstaking effort required to locate property owners' contact details, he envisioned an automated solution. With his entrepreneurial acumen and tech-savvy mindset, Mike aimed to streamline this cumbersome process by founding his own company.

The Challenge

From the outset, Mike had a concrete blueprint for how his skip tracing platform should function. A keen design enthusiast, he had already reverse-engineered the skip tracing process, setting him ahead of the curve.

However, marrying a complex algorithm with an intuitive user interface was a Herculean task. Though he attempted to collaborate with third-party web development agencies and freelancers, his vision remained unrealized.

That is, until he discovered no-code platforms like WeWeb and Xano, which offered him the means to finally get his web application off the ground.

Choosing WeWeb

Upon encountering WeWeb, Mike was astonished by the ease with which his Figma designs could be translated into a functional web application.

The platform's design capabilities felt nearly limitless, paralleling his experience with Webflow for his marketing websites. Moreover, the supportive network provided by the WeWeb team and their partner agencies allowed Mike to delegate portions of the project.

This freed him up to focus on business development and fine-tuning the design, while the technical implementation was handled by experts more proficient in back-end development.

"With WeWeb, we were truly able to achieve a pixel-perfect representation of our complex Figma designs."

Mike Coulbourn, Founder & CEO of SkipMatrix.

What he built

SkipMatrix emerged as a robust SaaS application engineered to revolutionize the way real-estate professionals identify property owners. Utilizing a proprietary algorithm that cross-references up to 110 points of contact information, the platform can rapidly generate expansive lead lists.

This powerful tool offers its services across the entire United States, providing invaluable resources for industry professionals.

The Results

By harnessing the capabilities of WeWeb for the front-end development (and Xano for the back-end), Mike was able to bring SkipMatrix to life within just a few weeks. The launch was a resounding success, rapidly becoming the cornerstone of his burgeoning business.

The application boasts pixel-perfect design and incorporates numerous animations to enhance user engagement.

With SkipMatrix generating well over six figures in revenue every month, Mike is now eyeing a wider release, aiming to make the application publicly accessible to further expand his already flourishing business.